
Tortoise Are Arriving on Animal Jam Play Wild?

It's true jammers! AJHQ released a sneak peak announcing that tortoises are going to be coming to AJPW in the next future update. The full bundle wasn't announced in the video but we are certain the exclusive animal name would be Traveling Tortoise. Not much information was announced in this video, but we are sure this reptile won't be leaving soon. Even though the bundle sets weren't officially announced, jammers have an idea on how they look from the Sneak Peak video published by the YouTube channel, Animal Jam (link below.) We are expecting a explorer set, with a snazzy outfit and possibly a palm set with a glam palm tree hat.  They have cute actions described by one player, and hopefully be an animal seen in jamaa for years to come. Surprisingly, when the turtle goes down a slide, it flips upside down sliding on its shell! Everyone in jamaa is hyped that a new animal is going to join the virtual world of Animal Jam Play Wild. Your opinion matters! How do...

Tiki Trouble is Leaving!

The summer adventure Tiki Trouble, is leaving so don't  miss out on all the fun! Play with your best buddies and help Tavie find the pearls. Earn exclusive items and have a blast! Jammer's Reactions "Not really :)." "Yeah, i miss fishing." "I loved playing this with my buddy."

Night of the Phantoms! Coming Soon!

The Night of the Phantoms is returning to jamaa! This means new clothing, den, and new adventures for all jammers to enjoy. Are the phantoms going to get sneaky this year? Who knows, we never know what is going to happen during Night of the Phantoms!

The Falcon Bundle Is Leaving

Sadly, the falcon bundle is leaving so right now is your last chance to bye them before they are gone for good. Buy them at a retail store near you! Items Included  The items included in the falcon bundle are a Falcon, Falcon Archway, Kestrel Arm Chair, Peregrine Sofa, and Falcon Perch. It's your last chance to get these exclusive items!

2018 Fall Box

This season's Animal Jam Box is Phantom invasion! This box is full of phantom themed accessories and tons of new and cute items. Do you like this new box? Comment below your thoughts. Jammer's Thoughts "I am excited for the new box, I wonder what items are coming with it! "I am totally getting this!" "The animal jam boxes are to pricey." Picture from jamaa journal

Congratulations Winners of AJHQ 8th Birthday Contest!

AJHQ has hosted a Instagram contest for Animal Jam's 8th Birthday! You could have entered, a video, den, screen shot, or masterpiece in this contest. The winners usernames weren't clear, so I can't say who won, but congratulations to the winners anyway. Happy 8th Birthday Animal Jam! Prizes The winners of this contest were rewarded a 1st Birthday Cake and Black Long Spiked Collar.

Rare Winged Helmet

The Rare Winged Helmet on Play Wild. It is for sale at Jam Mart Clothing for 1,650 gems. How Jammers Feel "It looks derpy on a gorilla." "It's to expensive, I'm not a fan of it." "Eh, it's fine."